What is a Love-Hate Relationship?

What is Love?

Love is not only a behavior, it is a compelling, strong, powerful emotion that drives us as human beings. This drive can be the power behind everything in our lives, down to our smallest decision or biggest risk. Love is an emotion that means we care for and protect the well-being of another. To imagine love is to imagine empathy at its highest frequency and deepest form.

What is Hate?

The opposite of love is hate, and it is as intense of an emotion as love is. The true distinction between love and indifference is the essence of its energy. To be indifferent to something is to not care at all what happens to or because of it, and to hate something is to direct energy, fire and drive towards it. While some may argue that love is more powerful than hate, it all depends on the individual. Psychic mediums are especially skilled in explaining love-hate relationships.

What is a Love-Hate Relationship?

A Love-Hate Relationship is a flux between two people, a pattern of loving and taking away that love. This pattern can be destructive, horrible and painful when it is spiraling down, or beautiful, heavenly and angelic when it is soaring high. The pattern is easy to repeat, however, when I was involved in such a spiral, a part of me was deeply aware the pattern will keep repeating itself with equal intensity.

How can I overcome this pattern?

The best way to start is to become aware of this pattern. I considered and become self-aware of why I was drawn to this sort of dynamic with another being. I asked myself if there was something within me that I was hiding, or that I saw in another person that I secretly detested. Is there something I was not letting come to the surface of my awareness? It was difficult to navigate these depths alone, so having an online fortune-teller was beneficial to lead me in the right direction.

What kind of Love-Hate Relationships exist?

While romantic relationships may be the first that come to mind, a multitude of different kinds of love-hate relationships can exist in the human sphere. A parent-child relationship, a brother-sister relationship or sibling relationship, or human-pet relationship. There are spousal, familial and friendship-based connections that can span the spectrum of love and hate.

Why do I keep coming back?

When I was heartbroken in a spiral of hate with someone I loved deeply, it hurt. I tried journaling, meditating, listening to music, and creating distance between them and me. I would close my eyes and examine why I might be repeating this pattern of love and hate. Perhaps this pattern is something deeply embedded within me, my history, or my personal mythology that led me to continuously repeat this cycle of love and loss. Often, this pattern is not just one with another person, it is a pattern with myself.

What do our past relationships say?

I examined the pattern of my past relationships. What is the common theme? Is there a love-hate pattern there, with others or with myself? Psychic mediums helped me ask myself questions that I feared to ask, and feared even more to answer. This is part of being human, having a heart, and the truth is that the human heart can equally house love and hate in equal measure. This doesn’t mean the hating or loving heart is better, only that they must be mastered and explored, and this is possible when I can freely and fearlessly open my eyes to myself in a way I never have. If you would like help in understanding more about love-hate relationships with an online fortune-teller, please contact us.